CWMC - London Riots

Each piece was hand drawn and attached to the print outs of photography from various Newspapers - using eLo I wanted to paint a different narrative, a softer one...

Conversation With My Conscience - London Riots Exhibition held at C.A.M.P, November 3rd 2011,  demonstrating the emotions and connections; a collective of youth felt across the country.

For the exhibition three A3 printed pieces w/ pencil cut out on glued to print, one with string, all glass framed, two foam board A3 prints mounted with cutout pencil drawings - three printed x hand drawn pencil work on top of prints, which were omitted and didn’t make the cut due to capacity. 

Included, the original photographs and headlines tell a bigger story. 

Back in 2011, the world saw London burn and it sparked a conversation about oppression racism and the lack of opportunities for the youth coming from a poor background, more widely known as the London Riots, there were a series of riots between 6 and 11 August 2011. 

Thousands of people rioted in cities and towns across England, which saw looting, arson, as well as mass deployment of police and the deaths of five people.

The results saw divided story narratives one of privilege and the other oppressed.

Following the Anniversary of this event, I will be reworking digital versions of 2011 work - London Riots


AACDD - Untold Gold